Our Course Reserves / E-textbooks in the Library service is a cost-savings measure offering students an alternative to purchasing textbooks.
How to Save Money on Textbooks If none of your textbooks are on course reserves, this guide may help you find alternatives to purchasing your textbooks. |
What does it involve? We reach out to professors who are interested in helping students save money. If their course textbooks are available for the library to purchase as an e-textbook, we do so. If the textbook is not available to the library electronically, we are occasionally able to purchase the print/physical edition for Course Reserves.
Please note: Our holdings only reflect a small percentage of course textbooks, but we hope to continue to grow this project. Access the current textbook list here:
Textbooks Available Through the Library
For help and further info accessing the library’s E-textbooks:
General help guide for accessing e-books
For faculty interested in finding an e-textbook through the library for their courses:
For faculty interested in placing material on Course Reserves, please visit our Course Reserves page.